Professional Anaesthesia Services



  1. Stop smoking 6 weeks prior to surgery and reduce alcohol intake.
  2. If you are overweight, losing weight will reduce many risks of anaesthesia.
  3. You must tell your surgeon and anaesthetist about any medical conditions that you have.
  4. Any long term medical conditions eg asthma, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, you should visit your regular GP for a check up.
  5. If you smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal drugs, you may be more likely to have problems from anaesthesia. It’s important that you are honest when you talk with your anaesthetist.
Pre-Operation preparations


  1. Continue all regular medications which have been prescribed for you, UNLESS advised otherwise by your surgeon.
  2. Any medication for blood pressure, heart or lung condition, acid reflux can be taken as usual morning medications with a small sip of clear water only.
  3. Make a list of all prescription, over-the counter, and herbal medications and bring the medications on the day of surgery.


  1. You will be contacted prior to your surgery with fasting times. You must follow these instructions.
  2. If you are diabetic please let the nurses, surgeon and anaesthetists know of your condition as there are special instructions for your medication and insulin requirements.
  3. Fasting is an important step in preparation for an anaesthetic.
  4. You should have no solid food (including lollies and chewing gum) for at least 6 hours prior to your operation.
  5. Should you not adhere to the specified fasting period:
    1) The risk of vomiting and inhaling either food or fluid whilst you are unconscious can lead to severe complications.
    2) Your operation may be postponed and rescheduled at a later time to ensure your safety so that risks are minimised.